No Post-y
Overwhelmed with Life
I've not posted for a few days here--went camping over the weekend (great fun, thanks) and now am playing catch-up.
Expect sparseness for the next few. Thanks for understanding.
...peeing on the third rail. Since 2004.
Overwhelmed with Life
Why are they still breeding?
The first basic law of human stupidity asserts without ambiguity that:That's one reason it's good to be a pessimist: I consider everyone stupid until they prove otherwise. Few do.
Always and inevitably everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation.
One is stupid in the same way one is red-haired; one belongs to the stupid set as one belongs to a blood group. A stupid man is born a stupid man by an act of Providence. Although convinced that fraction of human beings are stupid and that they are so because of genetic traits, I am not a reactionary trying to reintroduce surreptitiously class or race discrimination. I firmly believe that stupidity is an indiscriminate privilege of all human groups and is uniformly distributed according to a constant proportion. This fact is scientifically expressed by the Second Basic Law which states thatHere's where I disagree slightly: I believe that different subsets of the human race have varying proclivities toward stupidity. In other words, I believe that the traditionally held stereotypes are based in some degree of truth, much to the chagrin of the politically correct.
The probability that a certain person be stupid is independent of any other characteristic of that person.
THE THIRD (AND GOLDEN)BASIC LAWI think that if this definition is interpreted broadly enough, it can hold true. A well thought out and clearly expressed explanation is given in the linked article...
The Third Basic Law assumes, although it does not state it explicitly, that human beings fall into four basic categories: the helpless, the intelligent, the bandit and the stupid.
As the Third Basic Law explicitly clarifies:
A stupid person is a person who causes losses to another person or to a group of persons while himself deriving no gain and even possibly incurring losses.
When confronted for the first time with the Third Basic Law, rational people instinctively react with feelings of skepticism and incredulity. The fact is that reasonable people have difficulty in conceiving and understanding unreasonable behaviour.
One may hope to outmanoeuvre the stupid and, up to a point, one may actually do so. But because of the erratic behaviour of the stupid, one cannot foresee all the stupid's actions and reactions and before long one will be pulverized by the unpredictable moves of the stupid partner.Proverbs 13:20, NASB:
This is clearly summarized in the Fourth Basic Law which states that:
Non-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid individuals. In particular non-stupid people constantly forget that at all times and places and under any circumstances to deal and/or associate with stupid people always turns out to be a costly mistake.
Through centuries and millennia, in public as in private life, countless individuals have failed to take account of the Fourth Basic Law and the failure has caused mankind incalculable losses.
The Fifth Basic Law states that:Yes, indeed.
A stupid person is the most dangerous type of person.
The corollary of the Law is that:
A stupid person is more dangerous than a bandit.
9/11 Theologian Says Controlled Demolition of World Trade Center Is Now a Fact, Not a Theory
Dr. Griffin listed ten characteristics of the collapses which all indicate that the buildings did not fall due to being struck by planes or the ensuing fires. He explained the buildings fell suddenly without any indication of collapse. They fell straight into their own footprint at free-fall speed, meeting virtually no resistance as they fell--a physical impossibility unless all vertical support was being progressively removed by explosives severing the core columns. The towers were built to withstand the impact of a Boeing 707 and 160 mile per hour winds, and nothing about the plane crashes or ensuing fires gave any indication of causing the kind of damage that would be necessary to trigger even a partial or progressive collapse, much less the shredding of the buildings into dust and fragments that could drop at free-fall speed. The massive core columns--the most significant structural feature of the buildings, whose very existence is denied in the official 9/11 Commission Report--were severed into uniform 30 foot sections, just right for the 30-foot trucks used to remove them quickly before a real investigation could transpire. There was a volcanic-like dust cloud from the concrete being pulverized, and no physical mechanism other than explosives can begin to explain how so much of the buildings' concrete was rendered into extremely fine dust. The debris was ejected horizontally several hundred feet in huge fan shaped plumes stretching in all directions, with telltale "squibs" following the path of the explosives downward. These are all facts that have been avoided by mainstream and even most of the alternative media. Again, these are characteristics of the kind of controlled demolitions that news people and firefighters were describing on the morning of 9/11. Those multiple first-person descriptions of controlled demolition were hidden away for almost four years by the City of New York until a lawsuit finally forced the city to release them. Dr. Griffin's study of these accounts has led him beyond his earlier questioning of the official story of the collapses, to his above-quoted conclusion: The destruction of the three WTC buildings with explosives by US government terrorists is no longer a hypothesis, but a fact that has been proved beyond a reasonable doubt.
It’s important to note that Dr. Griffin is one of many prominent intellectuals--including the likes of Gore Vidal, Howard Zinn, Peter Dale Scott, Richard Falk, Paul Craig Roberts, Morgan Reynolds and Peter Phillips--who have seen through the major discrepancies of the official explanation of 9/11 and have risen to challenge it. These brave individuals represent the tip of an ever-growing iceberg of discreet 9/11 skeptics. Indeed, 9/11 skepticism appears to be almost universal among intellectuals who have examined the evidence, since there has not yet been a single serious attempt to refute the case developed by Dr. Griffin and such like-minded thinkers as Nafeez Ahmed and Mike Ruppert. As for the general public, polls have shown that a strong majority of Canadians (63%, Toronto Star, May '04) and half of New Yorkers (Zogby, August 2004) agree that top US leaders conspired to murder nearly 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01.
Whines, "I hate guns. Hold me, Mommy!"
Daniel Craig will have a problem playing the new James Bond - because he hates guns.
The actor will wield 007's famous Walther PPK in the movie Casino Royale.
But he revealed in OK! magazine: "I hate handguns. Handguns are used to shoot people and as long as they are around, people will shoot each other.
"That's a simple fact. I've seen a bullet wound and it was a mess. It was on a shoot and it scared me. Bullets have a nasty habit of finding their target and that's what's scary about them."
Dishonest Government? Who ever heard of such a thing!
Finally, the pieces of the puzzle start to add up. Not long ago, President Bush sought to instill panic in this country by telling us a minimum of 200,000 people will die from the avian flu pandemic, but it could be as bad as 2 million deaths in this country alone.
This hoax is then used to justify the immediate purchase of 80 million doses of Tamiflu, a worthless drug that in no way shape or form treats the avian flu, but only decreases the amount of days one is sick and can actually contribute to the virus having more lethal mutations. [Ed's note: I don't even think it does that much.]
So the U.S. placed an order for 20 million doses of this worthless drug at a price of $100 per dose. That comes to a staggering $2 billion.
We are being told that Roche manufactures Tamiflu and, in a recent New York Times article, they were battling whether or not they would allow generic drug companies to help increase their production.
But if you dig further you will find that a drug was actually developed by a company called Gilead that 10 years ago gave Roche the exclusive rights to market and sell Tamiflu.
Ahh, The Plot Thickens...
If you read the link below from Gilead, you'll discover Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld was made the chairman of Gilead in 1997.
Since Rumsfeld holds major portions of stock in Gilead, he will handsomely profit from the scare tactics of the government that is being used to justify the purchase of $2 billion of Tamiflu.
For more on the nonsense of the avian flu hoax, you'll want to review today's other post on the subject.
No. Well, sometimes. Maybe.
At The Agitator, I find this: “Heather Hodges, an Abilene-based MADD victims advocate, said her group is working closely with the TABC on the project.”
Says Heather, ''We believe responsible adults should drink responsibly. And those that serve them should be responsible. A lot of people think it's OK to be drunk in bar, but it's illegal. A bar is not intended to be a place to get fall-down drunk ... . You don't have to be fall-down drunk to be considered drunk. Even after one drink, you aren't 100 percent.''
Following the introductory platitude, note the logical sequence: Falling-down drunk is bad. If you aren’t falling down you are still drunk. After one drink you are impaired. Therefore if you have a glass of wine at dinner, you should be arrested. This is not opposition to drunken driving. It is prohibition in drag, to be enforced by disguised police.
Let’s think about this. After one drink you “are not a hundred percent.” Heather believes that we must keep people from driving who are “not one hundred percent.” OK. I’ll buy it. Let’s get impaired people off the road.
Going to the web site of The Women’s Health Channel, I find the following listed as symptoms of PMS:
"• Mood-related ("affective") symptoms: depression, sadness, anxiety, anger, irritability, frequent and severe mood swings.
• Mental process ("cognitive") symptoms: decreased concentration, indecision."
Does that sound like one hundred percent to you? I figure it’s a pretty good description of an unstable borderline psychotic. Oh good. I want to drive on the roads with someone who doesn’t pay attention, couldn’t decide what to do it she did, and wants to kill something. Me, probably.
We need to recognize the seriousness of PMS. People joke about it, as they do about drunkenness, but these women are public hazards. “Anger, irritability, frequent and severe mood swings”? (Now that’s a revelation.) “Decreased concentration”? Sounds like a bad drunk in a pool hall, a recipe for inattentive homicidal road-rage. I think the police should send squads into supermarket parking lots to check for these impaired women. Other cops should wait outside churches. To better protect the public we should have checkpoints on highways.
Truth Laid Bear asked bloggers to take a stance on Miers. Here's mine.
I SUPPORT the impeachment, indictment, arrest, trial, conviction, and imprisonment of every politician in Washington, D.C, save Ron Paul, R of TX.
I SUPPORT the formation of a lynch mob to break said politicians out of prison.
I SUPPORT the collection of bird flu infested chicken corpses, the removal of their feathers, and the collection of said feathers in large bags.
I SUPPORT the purchase of several pallets, from the local home improvement store, of driveway sealer and/or silver roofing cement (commonly used on the roof of mobile homes); also, some heavy rope, an insulation blowing machine, and some long-handled brushes.
I SUPPORT the hanging said politicians by their feet from trees, with their heads about two feet from the ground, using heavy rope.
I SUPPORT the application of driveway sealer and silver roofing cement, using long-handled brushes, to politicians.
I SUPPORT the loading of chicken feathers into the insulation blowing machine, and the blowing of said feathers at said politicians.
I SUPPORT the hauling of said politicians in cattle trucks to the lower part of Florida, their loading onto rickety boats, and their deportation to Cuba.
How interviewing the President works...or doesn't.
Ireland: I wanted to slap him
George W Bush was so upset by Carole Coleman’s White House interview that an official complaint was lodged with the Irish embassy. The RTE journalist explains why the president made her blood boil
With just minutes to go to my interview with George W Bush, I was escorted to the White House library, where a staff member gave instructions on how to greet the president: “He’ll be coming in the door behind you, just stand up, turn around and extend your hand.”
I placed my notes on the coffee table, someone attached a microphone to my lapel, and I waited. The two chairs by the fireplace where the president and I would sit were at least six feet apart; clearly I would not be getting too close to him.
The room was well-lit, providing the kind of warm background conducive to a fireside chat. Several people had crowded in behind me. I counted five members of the White House film crew, there was a stenographer sitting in the corner and three or four security staff. I was still counting them when someone spoke. “He’s coming.”
In the latest snapshot of how well American schoolchildren are learning, national test results showed a small gain in math proficiency in the past two years but nearly zero improvement in reading scores since 1992 despite more than a decade of focus on boosting student achievement.
The achievement gap between students of different races narrowed slightly, but about 70 percent of students nationwide still are scoring below grade level on math and reading tests, according to the latest scores on National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) tests released Oct. 19.
Only about 30 percent of the nation's fourth- and eighth-graders scored high enough to be considered proficient in reading in 2005, nearly the same average as in any year since state NAEP scores were first reported in 1992. In math, the number of students scoring at grade level rose to 33 percent in 2005 from 30 percent in 2003, compared to only 17 percent in 1992.
What's that smell?
...and I hope it works, because it smells like wino crotch.
Walter Williams tries to educate the sheeple...
Enacted during Reconstruction, the purpose of the Posse Comitatus Act was to severely limit the powers of the federal government to use the military for local law enforcement. Would Americans tolerate such a gigantic leap in the federalization of law enforcement? I'm guessing the answer is yes. In the name of safety, we've undergone decades of softening up to accept just about any government edict that our predecessors would have found offensive. Let's look at some of it.
The anti-smoking movement might be the beginning of the softening up process. They started out calling for reasonable actions like no-smoking sections on airplanes. Then it progressed to no smoking on airplanes altogether, then private establishments such as restaurants and businesses. Emboldened by the timidity of smokers, in some jurisdictions there are ordinances banning smoking in outdoor places such as beaches and parks. a High-Crime Neighborhood
I had a friend who went to USC many years ago. Since student housing cost an arm and a leg, he decided to rent a house in Watts (yes, THAT Watts), because it was cheap -- even though there were drug dealers openly selling drugs on the corners half a block away.
Before moving in, he went to the range, and poked holes in paper targets with his shotgun. When he moved in, he used these paper targets to cover the windows of his house.
When he arrived home every day, he would park in his driveway, run around to the trunk of his car, get out his shotgun, load it, and then walk in the house. When he answered the door, he would have his shotgun in his hand. When he left for school, he would walk out with a loaded shotgun, look around, then unload it and put it into the trunk.
One evening, a car drove by and its passenger shot at his house. He grabbed his shotgun, filled with slugs and buckshot, and fired back, blowing out car windows and blowing off various pieces of the car as it sped off. When the police arrived, and asked him what happened, he just told them he was defending himself.
When he went out the next morning, he noticed that the drug dealers had moved waaaay down the block. When he arrived that afternoon, he noticed that half a dozen neighboring houses now also sported paper targets with holes covering their windows.
It very rapidly turned into a very peaceful neighborhood where he could study in peace and quiet in his low rent house.
What he said...
For the last month or so, I have seen a developing trend from this administration and I have been hoping I am wrong.
The trial balloons of repealing posse comitatus. The nomination of two supremes that favor empowering the executive branch. Talk of using the military to enforce quarantines for avian flu.
I worry that we will have a terrorist "incident" that will "delay" our next presidential election for "technical" reasons, while the military "secures" our balloting process.
I really hope I am wrong, but things look odd.
Why haven't I seen this before!
If the gov't says it, it's likely false.
Bird flu poses no great threat to humanity. This disease is simply too lethal to its victims and too fast in killing them to ever pose any significant threat to mankind. With a 50% or so mortality rate occurring in about 5 to 7 days after infection this disease cannot live long enough to spread. It also assures prompt detection. Quick effective countermeasures can be applied. It may be a problem, but H5N1, as this virus is known, is not going to be a mass killer.
As Americans roll up their sleeves each year for flu shots and our pharmacies stock up on remedies, the bill for the flu is very high. We spend billions on this. Shockingly these methods are almost worthless.
Flu vaccines being the most effective technical control for the flu are hit and miss at best. Often the flu vaccine provided has no effect on the strain that arrives. Even when it is effective, it only works for about 70% of the people who get it. The mutational behavior of the flu makes vaccine a questionable strategy at best.
While Tamiflu, Amantadine and other drugs may be effective against the flu, they require application almost immediately with the onset of the disease. Their expense makes them limited to groups of the population least likely to be affected. The prescription process, which requires one to visit an MD and then the pharmacy, imposes a time restriction that nearly destroys any effectiveness of these medicines. Americans faced with a genuine and dangerous flu epidemic are likely to watch helplessly as they get medicines too late to have any real effect. Even then the medicine will be only available to the segment of the population least likely to have a problem.
Hand washing is an old technology that is profoundly effective against the flu. It works against all epidemic diseases with very high effectiveness. The level of its effectiveness is dramatic. Hospitals face serious disease threats daily. Many of these diseases lack any effective treatment and are profoundly dangerous. The universally effective measure that contains all of these diseases, is hand washing. It always works. It really doesn’t matter which disease.
No person needs to be treated for a disease that they do not catch. Hand washing stops, or severely reduces, the transmission of nearly every infectious disease. Hand washing stops the transmission of the flu with near total effectiveness. Effective hand washing is the cheap effective and a certain end to the flu. This is already known.
Even your politicians know about hand washing. Every candidate for public office learns to wash their hands repeatedly and often on the campaign trail or they just don’t make it. Hand shaking is possibly the most effective disease transmission method known. A politician who does not wash his hands gets too sick to win office. Rest assured the highest priority for any Presidential trip is to make sure that the hand washing is attended to. As soon as President Bush gets away from the cameras, he washes his hands.
So why are officials in a “panic?” The answer is that they are not in a panic. They are flying to the disease. They wash their hands! They are conducting a shake down by terror of the population of the world. The reasons are many. They all come down to power and money. Big Pharma, is up to shaking down the taxpayers. Politicians are after power. It all comes together. Why else would they propose sending soldiers around to solve this problem? A public campaign to encourage hand washing would solve the problem.
How it's supposed to be
"The right of a citizen to bear arms, in lawful defense of himself or the State, is absolute. He does not derive it from the State government, but directly from the sovereign convention of the people that framed the state government. It is one of the 'high powers' delegated directly to the citizen, and 'is excepted out of the general powers of government.' A law cannot be passed to infringe upon or impair it, because it is above the law, and independent of the lawmaking power." [Cockrum v. State, 24 Tex. 394, at 401-402 (1859)]
A trip into Hell
Oh, boy. Isn't this how some horror movies start?
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon is looking at the possibility of using federal troops to enforce a quarantine in the event of an outbreak of pandemic bird flu in the United States, a senior official said on Wednesday.
President George W. Bush said last week he would consider using the military to "effect a quarantine" in response to any outbreak of avian influenza, but provided few details.
Bush at the time also suggested he might place National Guard troops, normally commanded by state governors, under federal control as part of the government's response to the "catastrophe" of such a flu pandemic.
Paul McHale, assistant defense secretary for homeland defense, said quarantine law historically has been under the primary jurisdiction of states, not the federal government.
"And my expectation is that any quarantine measures that would be put in place would likely involve a substantial employment of the National Guard, probably under command and control of the governor of an affected state," McHale told a group of reporters.
"However, we are looking at a wide range of contingencies, potentially involving Title 10 forces (federal troops) if a pandemic outbreak of a biological threat were to occur," McHale added.
I have kick-ass sperm. My sperms will raze your village and kill your men and knock your knees apart and spray paint your womb like a drunken contractor. You will lay there shuddering, wondering why the fuck you didn't spread a drop-cloth.
A 64-year-old man who was repeatedly punched in the head by police in an incident caught on videotape was not drunk, as police have alleged, and put up no resistance as he was being pummeled, his lawyer said Monday.
The man, a retired elementary school teacher, had returned to New Orleans only to check on property he owns in the storm-ravaged city, and was out looking to buy cigarettes when he was arrested Saturday night in the French Quarter, the lawyer and the man's father said.
Police have alleged that Robert Davis was publicly intoxicated.
A federal civil rights investigation was opened into the incident. Davis is black. The three city police officers seen on the tape are white. Police spokesman Marlon Defillo said race was not an issue.
Two city officers accused in the beating, and a third officer accused of grabbing and shoving an Associated Press Television News producer who helped document the confrontation, pleaded not guilty on Monday to battery charges.
After a hearing at which trial was set for Jan. 11, officers Lance Schilling, Robert Evangelist and S.M. Smith were released on bond. They left in cars without commenting.
The three were suspended without pay Sunday, Defillo said.
Police Superintendent Warren Riley said any misconduct would be dealt with swiftly. He noted the video showed "a portion of that incident."
Go to, watch the videos.
Mossad Ayoob, popular gun/police writer, interviews the owners of a jewelry store that was targeted by two would-be armed thieves. Great story, as written in American Handgunner magazine's May/June 2003 issue:
It's a quarter past ten AM, fifteen minutes after opening, when the two men rush through the door wearing ski masks. One is physically huge, pulling along a wheeled suitcase with one hand and wielding what Gary recognizes as a blue steel Army .45 automatic in the other. The second, average-sized, stands a few steps inside the doorway with a sawed-off shotgun. "You don't believe it's happening," Gary will say in a guest lecture to one of my LFI classes later. "It takes a few moments for the reality to sink in." The one with the pistol is rapidly moving up the aisle toward him, screaming, "We're here to clean you out!" The man with the shotgun fires a blast into a display case, and the employee behind that counter dives to the floor.
The reality has sunk in. Gary Baker's hand closes over the rubbery stock of a Rossi .38.
The fight is on.
(Yes, I know it's redundant...)
I started having a daydream about what someone like Hillary Clinton would hear if she dressed down and wore a wig and went out to a working-class bar and...
That fantasy screeched to a halt right there, in a haze of burnt rubber smoke. I knew damn well what she'd hear, because those are the kind of places I frequent, on the rare occasions I go out to a bar.
Dumb shits holding forth on every topic imaginable, without a clue as to what they are talking about, yet with such a strong opinion on it that they are willing to fight you if you suggest they may be wrong.
And I see the same thing with the woman who cuts my hair, as she and other educated females, many of them high level University employees and professors, talk some of the dumbest kook twaddle you'll ever be pained to have to listen to.
You fine-minded Conservative students out there in Reader Land know whereof (whatof?) I speak. As you listen to the nonsense in class and in the halls and in the cafeteria and in the bars, I'm sure you fear contact-retardation, as if your very brain is being stuffed with steel wool.
And they let these people vote. On purpose. Other idiots actively seek them out to vote for them. Idiocy begatting idiocy, even unto the third and fourth generation, until the giant snowball of stupidity finally smashes apart at the base of the mountain of inevitability.
Stop the planet...I want to get off.
Python Explodes After Eating Alligator
Oct 05 3:40 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer
Alligators have clashed with nonnative pythons before in Everglades National Park. But when a 6-foot gator tangled with a 13-foot python recently, the result wasn't pretty.
The snake apparently tried to swallow the gator whole _ and then exploded. Scientists stumbled upon the gory remains last week.
While the gator may have been injured before the battle began _ wounds were found on it that apparently were not caused by python bites _ Mazzotti believes it was alive when the battle began. And it may have clawed at the python's stomach as the snake tried to digest it, leading to the blow up.
The python was found with the gator's hindquarters protruding from its midsection. Its stomach still surrounded the alligator's head, shoulders, and forelimbs. The remains were discovered and photographed Sept. 26 by helicopter pilot and wildlife researcher Michael Barron.
The incident has alerted biologists to new potential dangers from Burmese pythons in the Everglades.
"Clearly, if they can kill an alligator they can kill other species," Mazzotti said. "There had been some hope that alligators can control Burmese pythons. ... This indicates to me it's going to be an even draw. Sometimes alligators are going to win and sometimes the python will win.
Thank you, Lord, for making me a Man.
Freewheeling young women in the United States and Canada first have intercourse at the age of 15, partake more in oral sex than previous generations and are far less prudish, according to a landmark new report by researchers at California's San Diego State University.
Between 1943 and 1999, the age of first intercourse dropped to 15 from 19 for females, while the percentage of sexually active young women rose to 47 percent from just 13 percent in 1943, according to the study that appears in the most recent issue of the Review of General Psychology.
If there's still any doubt as to who won the sexual revolution, this should clinch it. On the one hand, men face declining real wages and a court system that actively discourages them from marrying. On the other, there's a never-ending supply of hot young lovelies eager to roll over on command for the first alpha male they encounter.
Sure, it's a complete disaster from the moral, spiritual and historical perspectives and the lovelies are showing an appalling tendency to beef up far too fast, but from the average red-blooded male American's very short-term point of view, it's hard to see a whole lot of downside. Throw in birth control, breast implants, fast CPUs, the NFL Sunday Ticket and free Internet porn, and it's apparent that history has never known a more wildly hedonistic time to be a young man.
My friend's German cousin, overcome with pure masculine delight, may have said it best upon the occasion of his second visit to the United States. "I love zee American bitches!"
We are so doomed...
Cops are arrogant, law-breaking jerks?
95 mph convoy of around 12 NJ police cars returning from Katrina duty are pulled over after numerous 911 complaints of people being driven off the road.
Half of them ignore the pull over and continue north, the other half get belligerent.
When the VA sherriff calls their boss, the NJ sheriff goes ballistic, warns VA cops not to drive through NJ